Smily Gazelles

Smily Gazelles

Friday, 10 February 2012

40 days to the start proper of the rally

After all the excitement of actually driving in the desert (see previous blog), I am back in the park and at the gym training to be fit.
Things are not quite going well on that score as I've been suffering from plantar fasciitis for over 5 weeks now and this has prevented me from walking. Plantar fasciitis is a pain in the heel caused by too much exercize ( or no enough and being overweight) and despite seeing the physio twice a week it's not getting better in a hurry.
However no walking doesn't mean no exercizing :
There's always cycling in Richmond Park.
Yesterday the air was cold and pure, a day before it started snowing again and Charlotte and I went round the park in 56mn ( we lost time walking up one of the hills!).

Jamila's taking a course in sophrology which Wikipedia says is : Sophrology is a personal development method that is designed to reduce stress and promote mental and physical well-being, through easy-to-do mental and physical exercises that can be done any time and anywhere.
Basically it's to remove negative energy and leave only positive ones.

So when we're stuck in the sand, at least one of us will be serene about it!

We are pleased to have new sponsors : Costcutter in particular is helping us.

The nice thing about preparing for the rally is plenty of friends helping in different ways, like Ahmed Nait of Travellink booking us a free room at Hotel Chergui in Erfoud before we start camping, my friend Heather of Villa Dinari accomodating us and keeping our equipment, Charlotte giving me free massages (and a survival blanket), and all those friends who are helping financially.

Downloaded the Rallye's technical specifications which sent me into a frenzy of emails to poor Alain about making sure his car complies to the 20 sheets of exhortations from the organisers. We got an email about being on time for the "flocage des gilets". I had never heard of the word "flocage". The good thing about it is that Helene, our coordinator and great help in Morocco hadn't heard of it either. Anyway it's about putting your sponsors's logos on your vests ( pink this year), in case you were wondering.

Went to the Hajj exhibition at the British Museum. The Hajj is the trip to Mecca that every good Muslim must try to undertake once in his/her life. It attracts 3 million pilgrims every year.
It's a very interesting exhibition which also shows extracts from an IMAX movie called Journey to Mecca, in the steps of Ibn Battuta. Ibn Battuta was a 14th century Moroccan traveller who undertook the Hajj journey 3 times. The IMAX movie shown in an IMAX theatre is astonishing as it transports you to today's Hajj and for a non muslim, this is the closest you'll ever get to feeling what the pilgrims feel and undertake.

At the British Museum it's on a small screen so it's not as impressive but it's still very interesting.

Next week I'll meet Jamila in Casablanca for the compulsory navigation course. I just read on Twitter that the Moroccan American writer ( and friend) Laila Lalami will be in Casablanca at the same time for the "Salon du Livre". Not sure I'll have time to see her but will try.

And then off skiing in Austria with the family.

Beautiful snow today. Will go to the gym

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